6 March 2007

The Outcomes

A shaker made from discarded thread holders

The ultimate Jugaadiwala - Mukesh holds his costume for the public meet

An earing made from flattened wires

Nima holds his 'car' made form wires

Goggle-eye: Sunny with the left-overs of an insulation tape holder

Ruchir Josh and gyandev engrosed in a discussion

Motaz made a very nice camera case from tyre tubes, which he promptly lost. So we saw his camera instead [the camera was not made from junk]

New spaces and new friends

Two girls visiting the Rock Garden try their hand at some jugaad.

Chain massage - we could try a full circle next time!

Rachna examines a new contraption

Your's truly with Mukesh and Sunny

The Jugaadiman cometh

1 comment:

ankurindia said...

interesting stuff